SCI-TReCS - Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg

SCI-TReCS - Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg


   Wings for Life

Another important part of the Spinal Cord Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS) is the close cooperation and association with Wings for Life. Wings for Life foundation is a non profit organisation which supports promising medical and scientific research projects and clinical studies  around the globe envisioning a cure for spinal cord injury.

   ASCIS: Austrian Spinal Cord Injury Study

ASCIS is the "Austrian Spinal Cord Injury Study". Its concept was presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for emergency surgery, and it started in spring of 2011.

ASCIS represents an evaluation of the therapy process and an objective assessment of the clinical neurological, functional, neurophysiological, urological and psychosocial progression over time. The study is a collection of data of all patients with paresis (partial paralysis =) or plegia (= complete paralysis) after spinal trauma. The following medical scores are collected for the study and used for the evaluation:

  • ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association)
  • WISCI (Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury)
  • SCIM (Spinal Cord Independence Measure)
  • SF 36 (Questionnaire on health-related quality of life)

After obtaining the informed consent of the patients, ASCIS record the etiology (cause), demographic data, time logs of the supply chain, therapeutic measures and neurology-associated complications. In addition, all data from a 7-step plan for a follow-up period of three years will be recorded, too. Additionally all radiological examinations in the follow-up period will also be archived.