SCI-TReCS - Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg

SCI-TReCS - Spinal Cord Injury and Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg

Institute of Tendon and Bone Regeneration

At the "Institute of Tendon and Bone Regeneration" the scientific program focuses on the elucidation of fundamental cellular, molecular and biochemical mechanisms underlying the regenerative capacity of these two tissues of the locomotoric apparatus.

A major goal of the studies is to identify and characterize tissue-specific stem/precursor cells and to determine their potential function(s) in healthy and diseased tissue. Understanding how these cells are activated and regulated is paramount in the attempt to use them in reconstructive medicine. The new data will help to develop improved strategies for the treatment of damaged tendon and bone tissue, in order to enable and/or speed up its regeneration. .